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Am I able to change which Feals products I receive each month?Updated 8 months ago

Yes! Changing or adding other Feals products to your delivery is a breeze.

1. Log in to your Feals Account and click Manage Subscriptions.

2. You can add products as one-time or subscription by selecting the applicable Product tile.

3. You can swap products by selecting Swap product button, selecting the product you want swap out, and then select the product you'd like to subscribe to moving forward.

You can change the product you receive at any time but keep in mind adjusting your subscription will go into effect at your next renewal and will not update any existing orders that have been created.

If needed, you can  reach out to our customer experience team at [email protected] or 844-311-9090 and we would be more than happy to help!  We are here for you Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm MST if you have any questions, need a little guidance, or just want to say hi.


We hope this information helps, along with the rest of the articles contained in our Help Center.

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